Again? Didn't we already go through this whole thing? Damn, I hate reruns. Where's the remote, I'm changing channels . . . .
Big Tex
JoinedPosts by Big Tex
What happened to freedom of speach/thought???
by jterfehr ini have not been to this sight in months.
i come back and its a complete mess.
this jw-whoever guy, has a right to speak his mind.
The Last to be Resurrected :-(
by Lefty inof course i know that many of you here do not believe in the bible and its promise of a resurrection.
some of you do not even believe in a creator.
but those of you apostates that still do believe in a resurrection back to life, you would no doubt agree that not everyone of those who are resurrected will come back to life all at once.
Big Tex
Main Entry: megalomania
Pronunciation: "me-g&-lO-'mA-nE-&, -ny&
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin
Date: circa 1890
1 : a mania for great or grandiose performance
2 : a delusional mental disorder that is marked by infantile feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeurI AM the "WBTS", you dimwit!
Shouldn't there be sinister laughter with maybe an organ playing in the background, right about now? -
The Last to be Resurrected :-(
by Lefty inof course i know that many of you here do not believe in the bible and its promise of a resurrection.
some of you do not even believe in a creator.
but those of you apostates that still do believe in a resurrection back to life, you would no doubt agree that not everyone of those who are resurrected will come back to life all at once.
Big Tex
Because of the advantage that Adam and Eve had, and yet proved foolish in spite of it, I believe they will be the very last two to come back.
Lefty, are you one of Jehovah's Witnesses? If so, then you do not understand what your own religon teaches. On numerous occasions, they have stated that Adam and Eve will not be resurrected because they were perfect when they sinned, thus creating the need for a perfect man (Jesus) to be offered as a ransom in exchange.
I too believe in a resurrection. When it will happen, what form it will take and who will be resurrected does not matter to me. If God judges me worthy, I am thankful. Anything else related to the resurrection, I am content to leave in his hands.
However your attitude, through your original post speaks volumes. "Those of you apostates that still do believe in a resurrection." Can you be a little more condescending and arrogant? You remind me of the story told of the first-century scribes who had a bridge constructed from their living quarters to the temple, so that they would not be soiled walking amongst the Great Unwashed.
"You're the type of person who wold solve the world's hunger problem by ordering out. Preferably at a good Chinese restaurant." -- Alan Alda, California Suite 1977.
Black Balled
by WildTurkey inwell all the brothers that i work for out of town has black balled me cause im disassociated, but they are working a known child molester, he is repentant lol, hope they protect their kids.
i got a phone call tonight and they told me that the dent shops in denver, tulsa, amarillo, dont want me.
hope yall still love me.
Big Tex
What a bunch of jerks! This is Christian Love? Hey listen, I feel for ya. I've been there myself. When I unmasked my pedophile father, most of my friends and all of my family sided with him and blackballed me. A repentent child molester? That's sort of a contradiction in terms isn't it? Sometimes you've got to fight through it to get to the other side. As far as I'm concerned you're a better person, a better man, than those bozos (not the word I was thinking of).
I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members. -- Groucho Marx
by Mary ini'm considering trying hypnosis to help me win my everlasting battle with weight, but naturally i have feelings of guilt because we were told as jws that we cannot use hypnosis....... .
anyway, has anyone here ever tried hypnosis?
i would be interested in hearing if it helped you at all.
Big Tex
I tried it several times when I was in therapy and I had great success with it. Personally, I afraid that they would hypnotise me into clucking like a chicken or make me forget the number 7 or some such silly thing. But actually I was aware of everything the therapist was saying, I was aware of my surroundings and I remember everything that happened very clearly. I've heard it doesn't work for some people, but as I said, it worked wonders for me.
To Englishman: HEY! I get it!! Stairs right? Simple things amuse simple minds . . . .
C.O. Reports: JWs/WTS "Reach Critical Mass...
by BitterTruth injehovah's witnesses/wts have reached "critical mass" - says ex-circuit overseer.
------posting copied from h2o-----.
posted by xelder [seeker4] on july 13, 2000 at 12:00:52 {rn3hpwrs1eubi2tgjvegd9bhhxgwag}:.
Big Tex
There will always be Jehovah's Witnesses. Why? Because denial is probably the most powerful form of human behaviour going. People believe what they want to believe, especially if they have invested a great deal of time, energy and belief.
The Right to Know
by ozziepost inan intriguing aspect of the child abuse scandal among jehovah's witnesses is why don't the wts want these offenses reported in the first instance to the police?
why is it that other offenses, such as fornication, adultery or theft, are dealt with publicly and usually swiftly, why is the matter of child abuse treated differently?
why is it that the borg's procedures ensure that the crimes against silent lambs are kept hidden from the authorities?
Big Tex
10 years ago, an elder let me read a letter from the WTBS to all elders in the U.S. regarding an elder's response to any accusation of child abuse. What I remember is that they were told NOT to keep any written notes. When I asked the elder why, he told me so that if notes were kept and a subpoena were ever issued then the police would be able to go through all the congregation's files. If no notes were ever taken, and no written record existed, then the elders could tell the police that fact and the police would not then be able to look at any other files.
Of course, nowhere in this letter did the subject of how to care for the trauma the victim went through, or any spiritual encouragement or counseling they might need. Truly the food at the proper time . . . .
JWs blame everything on demons...
by Pronger ini cannot believe how credulous many jws are regarding the religions near obsession with supernatural beings.
apparently young kids misbehaving is a result of demons.
what irritates me the most is that this woman was more concerned with an alleged person with a "dangerous mind" placing the tract she left back on the car, than the fact that she left two children alone in a parked car.
Big Tex
My son threw a tantrum because I didn't buy him the latest Bionicle. Up till now I thought the problem was he's been getting too many toys. Thank God for the faithful and discreet slave! Now I know my son is possessed by demons . . .
Music To Die By....
by hillary_step ini am told by those stupid enough to be called my friends, that i think about death far too often for comfort.
this blemish on an otherwise perfect character is probably a gift of nationality as many of my comrades seem to spend whole days toasting seats in corner cafes, lethargically discussing the latest obituary and predicting the size and quality of the tombstone.
whenever i visit the mountainous village of my birth, it strikes me that i have seen these same people drinking campari in these same bars for almost four decades.
Big Tex
"The Sacrifice" Track 3 from the Insider soundtrack.
If you want to listen to a clip here's a link:
Theocratic Ministry School 2003
by LoyalLeon insome excerpts from the october 2002 our kingdom ministry insert regarding the new schedule for the tms:.
introductory remarks.
5min study point several paragraphs of one of the 53 studies in the new benefit from tms education (to be handled by the school overseer, his helper or perhaps another qualified elder).
Big Tex
RE: reading the Watchtower once a month for the No. 2 talk.
It's not so surprising if you think about it. Remember all the talk 20 years ago of the evils of a Bible study. Instead a True Christian would study the Watchtower instead. This is just an extension of that logic. I wouldn't be surprised if in a few years, people start quoting the Watchtower chapter and verse during the meetings, instead of scriptures.